The mission of the Wenatchee Valley Misawa Sister City Association is to strengthen the climate of friendship between the cities of Misawa, Wenatchee, and East Wenatchee by promoting cultural exchange. The Association is dedicated to furthering the historical significance of the first non-stop trans-Pacific flight by Clyde Pangborn and Hugh Herndon in October 1931.

What does the Wenatchee Valley Misawa Sister City Do?
- Foster friendship and goodwill between the Sister Cities of Misawa, Japan, Wenatchee, Washington, and East Wenatchee, Washington
- Organize the October Misawa delegation
- Act as official hosting group for annual Misawa City delegations
- Find homestay families for Japanese Delegates
- Introduce Japanese delegates to local businesses through tours and product samples
- Educate the public on the historical significance of the first non-stop trans-Pacific flight
- Promote educational and cultural activities on the historic flight and our Japanese relationship
- Maintain regular communications between Misawa and the Wenatchee Valley
- Organize and schedule cultural and educational activities
- Inform the community of our activities and goals through regular newsletters
2025 commemorates the 94th anniversary of the first non-stop trans-Pacific flight. As part of the celebrations, the Wenatchee Valley will send a delegation to Misawa, Japan in late September of 2025. The delegation is comprised of local dignitaries, Apple Blossom Festival Royalty, local business leaders, teachers, and student ambassadors. The delegation has traditionally spent 2-3 days touring Tokyo, 5-6 days staying in Misawa with a family, attending a Misawa festival, and participating in numerous Misawa City functions.
Please see the Application Page for more information on traveling to Misawa as a delegate. Applications will be open November 1st every year. To support the Association as an individual, family, or business member, visit the Membership Page.